Nadine Watts calls for discounted parking rate for vital staff

At January’s Full Council Meeting, Nadine tabled a motion calling on the Council to come to an arrangement with the Hermitage Surgery over parking provision

Following the recent merger with Westrop Surgery, the Hermitage Surgery is expecting to register 2,000 more patients in 2018 and now employs several more clinicians, including asthma and diabetic nurses. Unfortunately, the staff car park is not big enough to accommodate all the new clinicians, and the surgery cannot afford to pay for season tickets for all its staff.

At the nearest car park to Hermitage Surgery, parking all day costs £22.00

The Operations Manager has stated that ”purchasing season tickets would be prohibitively expensive for a small Surgery such as ours”. Nadine therefore asked for the council to consider how the Hermitage Surgery could be supported in finding affordable parking spaces for its staff. Although the motion was rejected by the Conservative administration, we have maintained lines of communication on this issue and we are confident that a way forward can be found. This is good news for Old Town residents.