South Swindon Constituency Labour Party
Organisation & Structure

Aims & organisational structure of the CLP

The aims of our local party include:

  • To unite the forces of Labour within the constituency.
  • To secure the return of Labour representatives to Parliament and local government bodies, by promoting the policies and principles of the Party throughout the constituency with a view to increasing the Party’s influence within the local community and securing support and membership from it.
  • To promote the policies of the Party within the constituency by formulating a development action plan for the Party in the area and to ensure its adoption and implementation by all Party units.
  • To provide the opportunity for all individual members of the Party within the constituency to contribute to the development of the aims and policies by ensuring that a full range of Party activities are available to them, including local policy forums, and that they may participate fully in discussion to broaden the political education of members of the Party and to increase their influence over the formulation of the Party programme.
  • To establish local policy forums, possibly in cooperation with neighbouring CLPs. The constitution of the Labour Party places an obligation on CLPs to work in pursuit of our aims with trade unions, cooperative societies and other affiliated organisations, and it must consult its members, elected representatives, affiliated organisations, and, where practicable, the wider community in which it is based on policy making initiatives.

Local Party management:

The management of South Swindon CLP is in the hands of the All Members Meeting which meets ten times a year (monthly with the exception of December and August). The decisions of the All Members Meeting are put into effect by an Executive Committee which is be appointed by and reports to an Annual General Meeting of the CLP and to other such meetings.

South Swindon Labour Party Executive Committee

CLP Chair

Vice Chair


Women’s Officer

Disability Officer

Youth Officer

Communication/Social Media Officer

Fundraising co-ordinator

Vice Chair / Membership


Policy Officer

BAME Officer

LGBT+ Officer

Political Education Officer

Trade Union Liaison Officer

IT Co-ordinator

Additional roles within the CLP include:

LGC representatives

Labour Group Observers


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