Your Labour team in Old Town & Eastcott wards

Old Town and Eastcott comprises of two wards – Old Town and Eastcott!

Old Town

Nadine Watts is the sole Labour councillor in the Old Town ward.  Nadine, a law graduate, was elected for the first time in 2012 and is married with three children schooled locally.  She is the secretary of the Swindon Trades Council, and volunteers regularly at the local primary school.  

Paul Dixon and ​Norman Butler​, who ran for election with Nadine, were unfortunately not elected in 2012.  They do, however, continute to campaign in Old Town.


Whilst we do not have any councillors in the Eastcott ward, we do have a particularly active campaign team.

​Chris Watts​ has lived in Swindon for 43 years, and the Eastcott ward for 15 years.  An IT consultant, he is married with three children.  Chris champions open, transparent governance and has campaigned relentlessly for the residents of Eastcott on issues such as road saftey and the Savernake Street play area.

​Andy Newman​ has lived in Old Town for 20 years, and in Eastcott since 2006.  Passionate about social justice, Andy is a Telecoms engineer and active in the GMB trade union.

​Emma Bushell​ was born in Swindon and lives in Eastcott.  A STFC season ticket holder, Emma works at a local further education college.