Upham Road Maintenance Work

£150,000 has been provisionally allocated for road maintenance in Upham Road. The work is scheduled to be carried out in budget year 2017/2018.
However, in response to a question by Cllr Steve Allsop at July’s Full Council Meeting of July the Cabinet member answered that this is an indicative sum “subject to the longer term strategy for repair of Upham Road emerging from the completed consultant investigation report and future budget settlements” The 3 year Local Transport plan in which this appears is reviewed annually.
So although the council is beginning to listen to the message from residents and local councillors about the state of the road, the money for repairs is not guaranteed and we must keep up the pressure.

Steve, Emma and Abdul have continued to chase an engineering report into the quality of Upham Road commissioned some time ago by the council. In response to a further question by Cllr Allsopp, we were told that the preliminary draft report was received at the end of April and that the final report is due to be received by the end of this month. The Cabinet member has promised to share this with ward councillors when received.