Swindon’s Heritage Under Threat – Libraries Will be Next in the Spotlight

Over the last year consultations have taken place on leisure services and now libraries will be next in the spotlight as our services are systematically dismantled.  

Over the last year consultations have taken place on leisure services and now libraries will be next in the spotlight as our services are systematically dismantled.  

Bidders have been invited to take over sports facilities on 99 year leases.  Why so long for assets paid for by residents through their taxes?  Why is the guaranteed period for continuation of leisure services only 3 years?  Why may operators share in future profits if leisure sites are developed?  Why are the council not insisting on pricing safeguards so everyone can continue to use our facilities?  How will community rooms and libraries within buildings with sports facilities be protected?

Time is running out to improve safeguards on Swindon's future so ask your councillors where they stand on leisure centres and libraries.

Labour will not agree to any leases of leisure facilities of more than 25 years and objects to the clause that would allow change of use after only three years permitting applications to build on leisure sites.  We also reject the plans to offload playing fields at Dorcan and Croft on leases of up to 99 years with the same threat of development after only 3 years.