Swindon Warm Zone Project

Central Ward will become a ‘Swindon Warm Zone’ from the middle of May.

The ‘Swindon Warm Zone’ Project is a Council initiative to help alleviate fuel poverty through improving levels of insulation/heating and to get the best value out of fuel costs. All private sector homes will initially be contacted by letter and then will be visited by an authorised representative who will help householders complete an assessment form. This will include asking questions about the levels of insulation in the home.

Representatives should have proof of identity and authority to represent the project. Residents are asked to request proof.

Preferential grants have been made available just for those residents in the Warm Zone wards.  This means that if residents in Central ward are:

  • Over 65 or
  • have a child under 4 or
  • live in a property in Council Tax band A or b

Then cavity wall and loft insulation will be free (subject to funding, technical survey and eligibility criteria)

One of the key things about the project is community engagement. Various ways of getting information to the community will be used including passing information through pupils at Robert Le King School and displays at Community Centres.  The project will also be promoted by giving away Jute bags and trolley tokens.

The project is being co-ordinated by Helen Sanderson (Affordable Warmth Co-ordinator) of the Residential Services Team

Tel: 0800 046 9699  Email: hsanderson@swindon.gov.uk

Residential Services Team, 5th Floor, Wat Tyler House, beckhampton Street, Swindon, SN1 2JH.