Swindon Volunteer Centre’s Funding Cut

I am hugely concerned to hear that the volunteer centre’s funding has been cut by 100%, another loss to Swindon. At a time when the council appears to putting more and more onto volunteers this is surely wrong? The whole future of local libraries relies on volunteers so we're told, so going ahead with this is short sighted.

I am hugely concerned to hear that the volunteer centre’s funding has been cut by 100%, another loss to Swindon. At a time when the council appears to putting more and more onto volunteers this is surely wrong? The whole future of local libraries relies on volunteers so we're told, so going ahead with this is short sighted.
The volunteer centre Is part of the national network of Volunteering Development Agencies. It assists up to 300 local organisations supporting them involving volunteers in their work and activities. Volunteering is the first way back to work for many it builds confidence gives valuable experience and for many in Swindon.  Where will potential volunteers now go to find out opportunities to help? I worry about the impact on Volunteer Centre Swindon and for all those who are engaged in the centre and volunteering already.
The council was not able to fill the gap when it cut Eldene Children's Centre so the community was left with nothing. Now it seeks to have co-ordinated volunteers running all our remaining children centres and libraries whilst cutting the whole budget to the volunteer centre. If the conservative council's strategy on volunteering is serious, why cut this vital support? Astonishing, worrying and very short-sighted.