Swindon Borough Council Education Transport Policy Consultation

Swindon Borough Council are consulting upon the Education Transport Policy for 2014-15. The consultation will end on Sunday 14th July 2013 and the results will be consultation will be collated and used to form the basis of the policy.

Please be advised that Swindon Borough Council are consulting upon the Education Transport Policy for 2014-15.

Information regarding the consultation and an online survey can be found here.

The consultation will end on Sunday 14th July 2013 and the results will be consultation will be collated and used to form the basis of the policy. The decision on the policy will be made at Cabinet on 24th July 2013.

Cllr Nadine Watts (Old Town) says "It is good opportunity for people to let the Council know their thoughts and ideas about the Education Transport Policy, so they can help shape the policy for 2014-15