Parks Councillors Launch Pot Holes Survey

PARKS LAbOUR COUNCILLORS, have called for the urgent repair of the pot holes in Parks, and have launched a survey to ensure all Parks Pot Holes are repaired.

Cllr Mark Dempsey said: ‘The acute winter weather has severely damaged Swindon’s roads so much so that it is becoming known as Pothole city.  Roads in Parks have been particularly affected including Kingswood Avenue, Whitbourne Avenue and Cranmore Avenue. On Kingswood Avenue, there are 20 pot holes in 20 metres of road.

‘Unfortunately the Tory council has slashed the money on road repairs by £500,000 over the past 5 years.  Our residents are suffering with untold damage to people’s vehicles.  Many of the roads in Parks are so bad that they really need to be completely resurfaced.’

‘We are asking residents to join our call for Swindon borough Council to repair the Parks pot holes.  Residents can sign our petition electronically at  We will be taking the petition out across Parks and we are also asking residents to compete a survey so that we can tell Swindon Council which road need to be repaired”.

We would also like residents to send us their photos of the worst Pot Holes in Parks so that we can send Swindon borough Council a dossier of the Parks potholes.  They can send their photos to

Mark Dempsey, Cllr Parks