Oakfield Campus Development

The Council has announced plans to develop the Oakfield Campus on Marlowe Avenue. This land has always been earmarked for housing and we hope that the project will go some way to meeting Swindon’s housing need.

The Council is in the process of finding a suitable partner to work with on this development and final plans will need Cabinet Approval. The Council has committed to a process of community engagement and public consultation as the plans are developed. It is not expected that any building work will start before 2017

Local Councillors Steve, Emma and Abdul are working closely with officers on the early stages of this development. We are working to ensure that the ‘Youth First’ building and sports hall facilities are protected as well as the adjacent allotments and community forest. We believe that houses need to be built to meet Swindon’s urgent housing need, but that a significant percentage of houses must be affordable houses.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the localities lead Paula Harrison on PHarrison@swindon.gov.uk or 01793 466418.