Nadine Watts: Number 22 Bus Service Has Not Been Put Out To Tender

Old Town Councillor, Nadine Watts has been informed that Swindon Borough Council has not put out to tender for renewal the number 22 bus service, despite Old Town Ward Councillor Nadine Watts being told that no decision has been made regarding the bus service.

At the February Full Council Meeting the Conservative Group, with the support of Liberal Democrat Councillors, voted through a budget which cut the Council Bus subsidy budget in half- worth £200K.

Old Town Councillor, Nadine Watts has been informed that Swindon Borough Council has not put out to tender for renewal the number 22 bus service, despite Old Town Ward Councillor Nadine Watts being told that no decision has been made regarding the bus service.

At the February Full Council Meeting the Conservative Group, with the support of Liberal Democrat Councillors, voted through a budget which cut the Council Bus subsidy budget in half- worth £200K.

Old Town Ward Councillor, Nadine Watts, said:

“This news is concerning for Okus and Angel Ridge residents who use the number 22 bus service. I have met with the Managing Director of Thamesdown Transport and have made clear my view that Okus and Angel Ridge residents deserve a regular bus service. I think he took my comments on board and I am hopeful that a bus service can be reached to Okus and Angel Ridge. However if Labour’s council budget amendment had been passed then obviously the Council wouldn’t need to save money from bus services and this service wouldn’t be threatened.

I think it is important that all communities in the town have a bus service close by that can transport them to the town centre, particularly if they have significant numbers of elderly people. It is important not only because it enables residents to do their essential shopping but also because the town centre provides bus services that can transport people anywhere in the town. This is why I’ll be fighting to retain a proper bus service for the people of Okus and Angel Ridge.”

Cllr Nadine Watts, Old Town Ward Councillor