Meetings to discuss Parishes with your Liden, Eldene and Park South Councillors: 16th & 30th March

The Council are proposing to parish all the currently non-parished parts of the borough.

A range of local services are planned to be delivered by this new Parish Council including litter collection, grounds maintenance and street lighting. In addition to the 4% council-tax rise from the Borough Council for 2015/2016, new parish precepts will lead to a rise in your council-tax bills of up to £120.

Councillor Fay Howard, Derique Montaut and Chris Watts are seeking a referendum on these proposals which we believe are designed to prevent the Conservative Councillors being blamed for large council-tax increases. Our concerns include that taxpayers will simply end up paying more for less and our town wide universal services will be lost.

We are inviting residents to get in touch to discuss this further or come long to one of the meetings being held to discuss the perishing proposals on

on Wednesday 16th March at 7pm at Goddard Park School

or the next Eldene Residents Association meeting Wednesday 30th March 7.30 at the Acorn Room next to Eldene School