Mannington & West Team Update: Parishing

Swindon Council’s administration have been discussing with existing Parish Councils a proposal to greatly increase the services that they deliver such as street cleaning, litter picking, grass cutting and street lighting. Subsequently, the Council has now decided to have a Community Governance Review to look at creating parishes in the areas where there are none, which constitute over half of Swindon. All of the Mannington & Western ward is a non-parished area.

There has already been a suggestion that this is being done for political and economic expediency because the Tory administration do not want to be seen to put up Council Tax. It will lead to a substantial increase in the parish precept and an even bigger rise where there are no parishes at the moment.

Please see details of public meetings that we will be hosting. We want to hear from you what your views are about these proposed changes and any concerns that you might have.

Do you want to be a part of a parish? Share your views:

Tuesday, 23rd February 7.45pm at Even Swindon Community Centre, Jennings Street, SN2 2BG