Labour’s alternative to the Core Strategy

For the last four months Swindon borough Council’s Core Strategy document has been out to public consultation. This document sets out the Council’s guiding principles for the town’s development over the next 20 years.

As Councillors from all the main political parties are in favour of continued growth in the town, there is much in this document that transcends party politics. However, there are certain aspects of the document where there are real differences in view between your Labour and Conservative Councillors.  That is why this week the Swindon Labour Party will be sending a response to the proposed Core Strategy document outlining our principles regarding development in the town.

The Labour Group’s guiding principles in relation to Swindon’s development over the next 15 years can be summarised within the 6 key principles below:

  • Ensuring sustainable housing and economic growth- including attracting the jobs of the future to the town
  • building the right level of affordable housing to meet local needs
  • Protecting our greenspaces and greenfields
  • Regeneration within the town centre and other areas in the borough
  • Establishing sustainable new communities & protecting existing ones
  • Ensuring the right infrastructure is in place to meet the town’s transport needs

These 6 principles are what the Swindon Labour Party believes can ensure continued high employment in the town compared with other areas in the South-West and will ensure that Swindon is still a nice place to live.

To set a clear path for the future is not new to Swindon. Indeed, throughout Swindon’s history the town has renewed itself in order to ensure high employment and to make it a nice place to live.

Perhaps most recently this happened in the 1980’s with the closures of the railway works.  Then a Labour-controlled Swindon Council ensured the town was a nice place to live through such things as establishing the Link Centre and turned Swindon in to one of the fastest growing towns in Western Europe, by attracting companies like Honda, bMW, Nationwide and Intel.

Swindon needs this level of vision and delivery again over the next twenty years and that is what your current group of Labour Councillors are determined to bring.

Jim Grant, Labour Group Leader