Labour Group Leader Response to Eric Pickles Parking Charges Statement

Eric Pickles is doing what he normally does, which is to bash local authorities for not doing what he thinks they should be doing. The reality is that parking enforcement backed up with parking fines where necessary, is important to ensure that we have orderly parking on our roads. What Eric Pickles would like to lead to chaos on our roads.

Swindon Labour Group Leader, Councillor Jim Grant, responding to Eric Pickles criticisms of council who undertake parking enforcement, said “I think Eric Pickles is doing what he normally does, which is to bash local authorities for not doing what he thinks they should be doing. The reality is that parking enforcement backed up with parking fines where necessary, is important to ensure that we have orderly parking on our roads. What Eric Pickles would like to lead to chaos on our roads.

The majority of parking enforcement I would say is supported by local residents not objected to, indeed with things like school parking residents would like more enforcement not less. Where residents feel upset with parking fines is where they have nowhere to park, end up parking in an inappropriate place and then get fined for it. But this is a question of parking capacity on our roads, not whether we should enforce existing rules.”