Labour Election Candidates May 2023

On 4th May 2023 Swindon is electing Councillors for Swindon Borough Council, West Swindon Parish Council and South Swindon Parish Council. You have the opportunity to vote Labour in each ward to enable us to Build a Better Swindon!

Swindon Borough Council

  • Blunsdon + Highworth – Lesley Gow
  • Central – Adorabelle Shaikh
  • Chiseldon + Lawn – Neil Hopkins
  • Covingham + Dorcan – Tate Pullen
  • Eastcott – Paul Dixon
  • Gorse Hill + Pinehurst – John Ballman
  • Haydon Wick – Stanka Adamcova
  • Liden, Eldene and Park South – Mike Davies
  • Lydiard + Freshbrook – Repi Begum
  • Mannington + Western – Fay Howard
  • Old Town – Chris Watts
  • Penhill + Upper Stratton – Ravi Venkatesh
  • Priory Vale – Rajhia Ali
  • Rodbourne Cheney – Jim Grant
  • Shaw – Junab Ali
  • St. Andrews – Jason Mills
  • St. Margaret + South Marston – Tom Butcher
  • Walcot + Park North – Emma Bushell
  • Wroughton + Wichelstowe – Saleh Ahmed

West Swindon Parish Council

Sean Wilson, Rose Llewellyn, Graham Philpot, Trish Philpot, Peter Bates, Hasan al Mamun, Mustafa Dayan, Mustafa Ertas, Junab Ali, Leon Grother

South Swindon Parish Council

Sam James, Patrick Herring, Tomas Silberburg, John Firmin, Joseph Pereira, Linda Kasmaty, Nadine Watts, Dave Griffiths, Neil Hopkins, Janine Howarth, Domingos Dias, Abdul Hamid, Rosie Leather, Junab Ali, Steve Allsopp, Jamal Miah, Saleh Ahmed, Trish Philpot, Mike Davies, Danial Vales, Rebecca Banwell-Moore, Marianne Le Coyte-Grinney, Graham Philpot