Labour Call On New Council Communications Manager Post Be Withdrawn

Swindon Borough Council is recruiting a new senior communications manager, costing council-taxpayers £45K in salary costs, plus a further £10-15K in National Insurance and Pensions Contributions. Labour Councillor, Derique Montaut, has called in to question whether new spending on a Communications Manager at a time when vital Children’s Centres are closing and the Council is proposing to increase the Council-Tax by 4%.

Details of the new Communications and Engagement Officer post is detailed through the following link:

Labour’s Liden, Eldene and Park South Councillor, Derique Montaut, said:

“When I saw this post advertised I was very angry. At a time when the Council say they are desperate to find money, the Conservative administration has agreed to spend approximately £60K a year on a new communications manager. Together with the recent news that they have spent £20K of taxpayers money on a new council magazine, I think this just goes to show that this Conservative administration are much more interested in spreading propaganda to the public about their cuts agenda than doing what’s in the interest of Swindon.

This post is still being advertised so there is time to withdraw this post before any redundancy costs are incurred. I call on the Conservative administration to withdraw this post and save the Swindon taxpayer £60K.