Jim Grant: Conservatives and Lib Dems Vote Against Labour Amendment

It is with great disappointment that I have to report that Swindon’s Conservative Councillors, backed up by Liberal Democrat Councillors on Swindon Council, voted against Labour’s alternative budget that would have ensured more potholes would have been fixed; more apprenticeships created; and would have prevented cuts to Dial a Ride, Children’s Centres and bus subsidies.

It is with great disappointment that I have to report that Swindon’s Conservative Councillors, backed up by Liberal Democrat Councillors on Swindon Council, voted against Labour’s alternative budget that would have ensured more potholes would have been fixed; more apprenticeships created; and would have prevented cuts to Dial a Ride, Children’s Centres and bus subsidies.

The Swindon Labour Group had presented this amendment with the aim of giving better value for money to Swindon’s hardworking council-taxpayers and to ensure services to Swindon’s vulnerable people- such as the elderly, disabled and children- are not reduced.

Despite claiming that “we’re all in this together”, the Conservative administration backed up by Liberal Democrat Councillors:

Meanwhile, the Conservative administration backed up by Liberal Democrat Councillors:

What this shows is that Conservative and Liberal Democrat Councillors are out of touch with what Swindon Council-taxpayers expect from their Councillors and their Council. They fail to understand that Swindon Council-taxpayers expect, above all else, that the services provided to them are delivered well and that the town’s vulnerable people are protected. That is what Swindon’s Labour councillors will relentlessly focus on.

Cllr Jim Grant
Swindon Labour Group