January 2016 Update From Councillor Nadine Watts of Old Town & East Wichel Ward

Marlborough Park – a detailed planning application (S/OUT/15/2051) has been submitted for 91 dwellings and 74 retirement dwellings along the eastern boundary of the Marlborough Park estate, backing on to the rear gardens of those properties on Broome Manor Lane. An outline application for up to 313 dwellings, public open space and play area has also been made. The detailed application indicates that the new dwellings will all be two storeys, with the retirement area to the north being predominantly 1 and 1.5 storey and 3 storey to the far north to respond to the taller development that has already been completed at Marlborough Park.

St Margarets Road Area 20mph Limit – ‏all sign installation works should soon be completed. The Traffic Regulation Order making process can then be finished, so as to ensure that the speed limit is then enforceable.

Hesketh Crescent Play Area Work Underway: the same company who did Angel Ridge play area have started work on Hesketh Crescent play area. Completion is planned for February and a community planting event is planned for March.

Biomass Update – the planning inspectorate has overturned the Council's decision and granted the planning appeal. Despite the objections from local residents, the "biomass boiler" is allowed to operate as long as specific requirements are met: adhering to hours of operation, operated and maintained according to manufacturer's instructions and a test to be carried out after a month of it operating.