Introduction of “No Waiting at any Time” restriction following redevelopment of the Victorial Hospital site

Please find below a copy of a public notice, statement of reasons and plan for a proposed change to the waiting restrictions in place following the redevelopment of the Victoria Hospital site.

Swindon Borough Council's Traffic Management team outlined the change as below:

This change is being proposed after the development at the Victoria Hospital site which has resulted in changes to the position of accesses which in turn has altered the waiting restrictions.  These are very minor changes and have been implemented by the developers.

The notice and related documents can be downloaded below and anyone wishing to make any objections or representations must do so to Swindon Borough Council quoting reference (za/ Vo 7/The Mall/2013) by no later than 25 March 2013.

Gwillam Lloyd
Head of Highways and Transport Services
Civic Offices, Euclid Street,