Hilary Benn Launches Labour’s Plan for Jobs in Swindon

Hilary benn, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, visited Wichelstowe in Swindon with me and Councillor Des Moffatt earlier today to launch Labour’s five point plan for recovery and jobs. We met representatives from one of the developers, Taylor Wimpey, and local baptist minister, Alison boulton. Alison was the first to move on to the estate and has dedicated herself to creating a thriving community at Wichelstowe. Taylor Wimpey have also contributed to the community spirit on the estate, and are justly proud of the standard of the housing they are building.

What Labour’s Five Point Plan means for Swindon and the South West:

  1. Create a youth jobs fund to help the 27,000 18-24 year olds on the dole in Swindon and the South West get back into work and build up to 2,400 new homes in the SW.
  2. bring forward long-term investment projects like the 22 school projects scrapped by the Government here in the South West to get people back to work and strengthen our economy for the future.
  3. Temporarily reverse the Tory-led Government’s VAT rise and put £45 back in the pockets of families in the Swindon.
  4. Cut VAT on home improvements, repairs and maintenance to five per cent for a year to help homeowners and small businesses in the Swindon and the South West.
  5. Give the 199,000 small firms here in Swindon and the South West a one year national insurance tax break if they take on extra workers.

If Swindon is to thrive again, we need decisive action to get the regional economy growing. Our Five Point Plan will do this, unlike George Osborne’s economic decisions which have led to virtually no growth since the summer of 2010.