Heidi Alexander selected as South Swindon Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate

South Swindon Labour are delighted to announce the selection of Heidi Alexander as our Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for the next General Election.

At a packed selection meeting held on Saturday 23rd July 2022, South Swindon members voted to select Heidi Alexander. The meeting was extraordinarily well attended with hundreds of members present. It was really uplifting to see so many members all keen to take their part in the selection process.

Heidi Alexander

“Swindon is my home town, I was born here, went to school at what used to be Churchfields and currently live with my family in Walcot.

Swindon instilled in me the belief that with hard work and determination I could achieve anything. I want children growing up here today to feel the same way – to be confident that their prospects in life will be determined by their talent and what they are prepared to give, not by their postcode, the colour of their skin or the size of their parents’ bank balance.”


  • Attract good quality jobs to the town – the closure of Honda last year saw the loss of 3000 well paid jobs. Just as Swindon was at the heart of the railways in the 19th centun we should be at the heart of the transition to net zero in the 21st – tackling climate change and creating secure livelihoods.