Fly Tipping, Green Waste – Keeping Walcot & Park North Tidy

Along with the rest of the Labour Group we have continued to press the Council to do something about the fly tipped green waste resulting from the withdrawal of the free service. It is a blight to the area and it needs to be cleaned up to avoid further dumping and the vermin it attracts.

Along with the rest of the Labour Group we have continued to press the Council to do something about the fly tipped green waste resulting from the withdrawal of the free service. It is a blight to the area and it needs to be cleaned up to avoid further dumping and the vermin it attracts.

Councillors and residents carried out a litter pick of Shrewsbury Road playing field in September. It was good to see that the litter was at a generally low level but disappointing to see that a small number of inconsiderate dog owners continue to allow their dogs to foul the area. Councillors will continue to press the Council to take enforcement action and fine the minority who give responsible dog owners a bad name.