February 2016 Update From Councillor Fay Howard of Liden, Eldene and Park South Ward


The latest Conservative cabinet decisions will have a huge impact on our local library service. The final aim being that the central library would be the only council-funded library from the 15 we have at the moment including Liden library. The remaining library's will have to be operated by volunteer groups or other organisations if they are to stay open. This represents a 60% cut in the libraries' budget.  We have concerns as to the impact of the loss of this community facility used by many in Liden & Eldene. With Swindon 105.5 Radio station within the community rooms at Liden library the council anticipates that they could support and enhance the library. The statistics tell us that those that use Liden library use it often, it would be a huge loss to our community.



Swindon Borough Council is planning to divide Swindon into areas to be governed by Parish Councils.  The new arrangements would be in place by early 2017.  This is a major change in the structure of local government which no one in the area has asked for. They would then make the parishes responsible for delivering some of the services currently provided to the whole town.  In addition to a 4% rise in council tax already announced for 2016/2017, a new parish precept would lead to a rise in your council tax bill of at least £120 and probably more. The parishing proposals are designed to prevent the Borough Council being blamed for large council tax increases.  Not only will taxpayers end up paying more but the level of service delivery will vary according to where you live. We are calling for a referendum on these proposals.

What's your view? Do get in touch.


Lydiard & Coate Water

The council are still looking to see Lydiard Park run by a management company, this would bring uncertainity to the future of access to the park.  A successful local campaign has given The Friends of Lydiard 90 days to deliver a viable plan for the future of Lydiard Park, one which will both safeguard it and be financially viable.

Meanwhile the council is now talking of charging visitors to Lydiard and Coate Water to park when they visit the country parks.  These parks are well used and loved by many Swindon residents. Parking was introduced before and dropped as it was so unpopular. What do you think, do let us know?



A number of residents have raised concerns at the increase in litter across Eldene & Liden. With the reduction in streetsmart services, we have been unable to secure more bins or the increase the street teams visiting. The windy weather hasn't helped either! Do get in touch to report or come along to one of our surgeries to raise any concerns you have.  Thank you to the many volunteers who tidy our community and collect litter regularly. If it's something you feel you can do, please get in touch we can provide the picking litter equipment & ensure bigger items are removed.



1st Tuesday each month 2.30-3.30pm at Liden Library,
1st Tuesday each month 3.30-4.30 at Morrison's cafe
1st Saturday 10-11 at The Shop, Cavendish Square
3rd Weds monthly 12-1pm, at the Horizons drop in, Eldene Primary School
or we can be contacted
Fay Howard Tel 07952350656  
Chris Watts Tel 07776238327
Derique Montaut Tel 07711556261
or via the Labour Group office Tel 463800