East Wichel Play Area Update

The turf was laid, as grass seeding will always be a problem establishing in a large busy play area with difficult ground conditions, unless the play is closed for several weeks. However, none of us envisaged the extensive damage being caused by badgers.

The turf was laid, as grass seeding will always be a problem establishing in a large busy play area with difficult ground conditions, unless the play is closed for several weeks. However, none of us envisaged the extensive damage being caused by badgers. We have been  discussing the best way to deal with this with the contractor.

One option is animal deterrent electric fencing – but not ideal around play areas. Another option is installing solar badger deterrents while the grass takes root. These are small boxes, mounted on timber posts that flash 2 red lights from dusk until dawn – mimicking predators eyes and scaring the badgers away – more information is available here.
There has been great success with these devices in large gardens, but it will be a pilot for public open spaces. The play area will be closed until Wednesday 1 October when the nite eyes will be installed around the perimeter of the turfed play area for 2 weeks.  The contractor will be visiting every morning until then, to check the play area and re-lay damaged turfs. These costs are being met out of the project contingency fund.

At the end of the two weeks, the nite eyes can be stored at the Council maintenance depot for use on other rural fringe schemes as needed.
Laminated posters will be installed next Wednesday at the play area entrances to inform children /residents of the purpose of the ‘nite eyes’ see attached leaflet.

Cllr Nadine Watts (Old Town & East Wichel) said, "These further delays are very frustrating, but the problems with the badgers could not have been foreseen.  Hopefully these deterrents will work and give time for the turf to knit together.  It will be a fantastic play area for local children.  An official opening is being planned for the half term holidays, but the play area should be open before then for all to enjoy."