Do you know this person? Help police identify Old Town tyre slasher suspect

Wiltshire Police are keen to interview an individual caught on CCTV following damage to almost 100 cars in Old Town and Central Swindon last month.

If you have any information in relation to the tyre slashing incident in the early hours of 21/02/2013 or can identify this person please call Swindon Priority Crime Team based at Gablecross Police Station.

Wiltshire Police are keen to interview an individual caught on CCTV following damage to almost 100 cars in Old Town and Central Swindon last month.

If you have any information in relation to the tyre slashing incident in the early hours of 21/02/2013 or can identify this person please call Swindon Priority Crime Team based at Gablecross Police Station.

Old Town Councillor Nadine Watts encourages anyone who can identify this person to contact the police, Nadine said “It is vital that the police can make contact with and interview this individual, if you have any information about the damage caused to vehicles in Old Town last month please contact the police on 01793 507912 or on 101.”

01793 507912 between 0800-0000. Outside of these hours please call 101