Cllr Steve Allsopp says :”Let the people decide on back door tax- rises through Parishing”

Walcot and Park North Councillor Steve Allsopp proposed a motion at April's Council meeting to demand a referendum on plans to Impose Parishes, or mini-councils on Walcot and Park North and other areas of Swindon.

Walcot and Park North Councillor Steve Allsopp proposed a motion at April's Council meeting to demand a referendum on plans to Impose Parishes, or mini-councils on Walcot and Park North and other areas of Swindon.

Cllr Allsopp argued that that it is undemocratic and unfair for Tory Councillors, the majority of whom represent areas unaffected by the proposals, to impose this decision on the residents of Walcot and Park North.

Walcot and Park North councillors fear that the impact of parishes, or mini-councils will be expensive to set-up , will struggle to find parish councillors prepared to make decisions, and will deliver an inferior level of basic services for residents on grass-cutting, litter collection and road maintenance. WHILST COSTING RESIDENTS MORE IN TAXES

Cllr Allsopp says:"those who are expected to pay for the cost of Parishes should be the ones to make the decision"