Cllr Mark Dempsey: 525 Swindon Residents Could Receive Labour’s Jobs Guarantee

Based on last week’s Labour Market Statistics by the Office for National Statistics, Labour have calculated that 525 Swindon residents could be in receipt of the Labour Party’s Compulsory Jobs Guarantee.

Based on last week’s Labour Market Statistics by the Office for National Statistics, Labour have calculated that 525 Swindon residents could be in receipt of the Labour Party’s Compulsory Jobs Guarantee.

That breakdowns by parliamentary constituencies of 230 residents in North Swindon and 295 residents in South Swindon, who would be helped in to work by Labour’s Compulsory Jobs Guarantee.

The Labour Party’s Compulsory Jobs Guarantee requires all adults over 25 who have been unemployed for more than 2 years and all adults under 25 to take a job placement for 6 months at the national minimum wage. If those adults refuse to take the job without good reason then Labour will withdraw their jobs seekers allowance benefit.

The Swindon Labour Group’s Deputy Leader, Councillor Mark Dempsey, said:

“We need urgent action now to bring down the benefits bill, but we shouldn’t be cutting working tax credits for striving families – we should be getting people into work. That’s why Labour is calling for a tough but fair Compulsory Jobs Guarantee.

Labour’s Compulsory Jobs Guarantee would offer anyone in Swindon who has been out of work for more than two years, or one year if they are under 25, a real job – one that they would be required to take. No ifs and no buts.

If this policy was in place right now, then the Compulsory Jobs Guarantee would be helping 525 Swindon residents who have been unemployed for one year if under 25 and 2 years if over 25, back in to work. I believe these jobs will give these Swindon residents the necessary skills and experiences to stay in work beyond their six months work placement.

I don’t think anyone in Swindon should be out of work for more than two years, or for more than a year for the under 25s. And the government won’t get the costs of welfare down if adults who can work are languishing on the dole year after year.”

Cllr Mark Dempsey

Swindon Labour Group Deputy Leader