Avoid Tory Council-Tax Bombshell

After years of claiming to be the low Council-Tax party, Swindon's Conservative Councillors have agreed a 4% Council-Tax increase this year, and are planning huge Council-Tax increases as a result of devolving “streetsmart” services- including grounds maintenance and street cleaning- to parish councils.

Swindon Council has estimated that in non-parished areas, like Liden, this will mean your Council-Tax will increase by at least £120.

And Stratton, Covingham and Nythe Parish Councils will be significantly increasing their parish precepts in order to deliver these community services to the same standard as Swindon Borough Council.

However while residents will now be paying parish councils much more in their parish precepts for the delivery of community services, they will not receive a rebate from Swindon Council for ceasing to deliver these services.

Stratton Parish Council recently held a referendum on whether to pay the extra sum for the delivery of these community services and 87% of voters said “No”.

A vote for Labour in the 5th May Local Elections will be a vote for a referendum on the Council’s parish plans. A vote for the Conservatives will be a vote to increase your council-tax bills by at least £120 in some areas.