Anne’s Conference Diary

Labour’s the party of Law and Order and that’s what we’ll stay

Wed, 28/09/2011 – Day Four of the Labour Party Conference

Today’s debate on home office issues was given a huge boost by a cracking speech made by the Chairman of the Police Federation, Paul McKeever, who was given a lengthy standing ovation. It was the first time a Labour Conference had heard from the police at Conference, and showed just how far the current Government has alienated the police force.

Polished and Confident Performance by Ed Miliband

Tue, 27/09/2011 – Day Three of the Labour Party Conference

Ed Miliband’s conference speech after his first year as Labour Leader needed to be assured and confident. I wasn’t looking for a mass of policy details or firm commitments because we’re more than three years away from the next General Election: it would be foolish for any leader to commit himself now as so much could change. However I was looking for an indication of direction and a statement of Ed’s values, as this is what people are looking for.

Right to Learn

Tue, 27/09/2011

My Policy Idea presented at Monday night’s Pragmatic Radicalism Fringe meeting.

Labour is at its best when it is at its boldest, so my policy idea seeks to potentially transform the lives of all people through creating a Universal Right to Learn so that everyone – whatever their age and qualifications – can continue their learning and education after the statutory school leaving age.

Ed balls shows the way forward on the Economy

Mon, 26/09/2011 – Conference Day Two

The big set piece debate on day two of the Labour Party is always the economy, and as this is the first year since Ed balls was appointed Shadow Chancellor, anticipation was running very high. I had been tweeting about Ed’s excellent performance this morning on bbC radio 4’s Today programme and could tell by the Tory responses to my comments that Ed is indeed feared by the Government.

Day One of the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool

Sun, 25/09/2011

To the outside world, Party Conferences must appear to be wall-to-wall political speeches and debates, with a smattering of voting and internal rule changes thrown in for good measure. Fortunately they’re much more than this, as even the most dedicated political junkie would grow tired after a couple of days! For me, the Labour Conference is first and foremost an opportunity to renew my commitment to Labour values of social justice and fairness, but it’s also an opportunity to attend receptions and fringe events, and catch up with old friends made during twenty plus years of political activism.