Anne Snelgrove to Receive Treatment for Cancer

Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for South Swindon Anne Snelgrove is to undergo a course of treatment for cervical cancer in the coming weeks.

Labour’s prospective parliamentary candidate for South Swindon Anne Snelgrove is to undergo a course of treatment for cervical cancer in the coming weeks.

Anne Snelgrove said:

“Sadly I have to report that the cancer I first had 15 years ago has returned. About four weeks ago I noticed something wrong and immediately went to my doctor – there was only one sign and it has not been repeated, and ironically I feel very well. However, tests showed a return of cervical cancer. I start treatment on 22 October and this will continue until early December.

“Fortunately the cancer has not spread anywhere else and the treatment plan is designed to cure me. Clearly I will not know whether the treatment has been successful until a few months after it has finished, but I have already had the most wonderful care from the NHS that anyone could wish for.

“Now that I am over the initial shock of the diagnosis I am able to face the immediate future with calmness and hope. It is a worrying time and I am apprehensive about the treatment, but I am thankful for the support of my family and friends, including those in the Labour Party.

“I would like to urge anyone who has noticed something out of the ordinary about their health to seek medical attention as soon as possible. It’s probably nothing, but in the unlikely event of it being more serious, get onto it right away and give yourself the maximum chance of sorting it out. Too many of us worry about bothering our doctor, are afraid to find out what might be wrong or are simply embarrassed by our symptoms. Doctors are there to be bothered, and we owe it to ourselves and our families to overcome any fear or embarrassment.”


  • Anne will be having treatment on the NHS but for personal reasons has decided not to have this in Swindon; this is no reflection on the excellent NHS services in Swindon, but means that she will be able to concentrate solely on getting well rather than being the ex MP or the Labour Party candidate.
  • Anne has asked not to be contacted from October 19th once the treatment starts.

  • At this time Anne’s sole priority is getting well and her position as Labour’s parliamentary candidate is unaffected. It is premature to consider any impact on Anne’s role as Labour candidate for South Swindon until her treatment plan is completed. She has the full support of her local party.