An Example of More Potholes Appearing in Shaw’s Roads

Steph Exell, your Labour candidate in Shaw, has heard on the doorstep how utterly fed up residents are with the amount of potholes in Shaw and West Swindon's roads.  In some places residents even stated that there are now groups of potholes appearing in close proximity to each other making it virtually impossible to avoid them. 

Labour Councillor Julian Price recently called on Swindon Borough Council to spend £2 million pounds on repairing Swindon's roads. He said, "Increasing numbers of potholes and roads in disrepair have come at a huge cost to Swindon Council and to motorists in Swindon, who have to deal with damage to their vehicles. This is the number one issue that Swindon residents raise with me and with the recent bad weather the roads have only got worse."

A senior Conservative Councillor in Shaw, speaking on the issue of repairing potholes in the town, said "Simply throwing money at filling in the holes is only a short term solution as they soon re-appear."  You may remember that Julian Price has been warning the Conservatives that their government isn't listening to the needs of Swindon residents when it comes to tackling the state of our roads.  Back in October 2013 Julian pointed out that the Conservative Government had said that Swindon and Wiltshire would receive up to £16.9m in January 2014, but were later told that local authorities would receive only £11.3m

Steph Exell, your Labour candidate in Shaw, has heard on the doorstep how utterly fed up residents are with the amount of potholes in Shaw and West Swindon's roads.  In some places residents even stated that there are now groups of potholes appearing in close proximity to each other making it virtually impossible to avoid them.  The photograph at the top of this article was taken in Shaw this week, showing an example of the appalling condition of the ward's roads.

If you are aware of potholes in your area of Shaw you can contact Steph and the West Swindon Labour team on 01793 230657 or via email on or the Council's Streetsmart team on 01793 445501.