All Together for the NHS Day

On April Fool’s Day, UNISON members across the UK are telling their MPs: “Don’t be a fool – support the NHS”.

As part of the TUC’s ‘All Together for the NHS’ campaign, UNISON wants activists, members and all supporters of the NHS to tell their local MP how concerned they are about government’s plans for the health service.

“We want everyone to go and book appointments with their local MPs in their surgeries on 1 or 2 April,” UNISON national officer Sian Davies says.  “We must really influence MPs and show them how concerned people are – not just health workers, but everybody who uses the NHS.”

The Government is trying to railroad the Health and Social Care bill through as quickly as it can. That is why it’s important that we all act now.
The 1 April date aims not only to highlight the foolishness of some of the plans, but also coincides with a key stage in the progress of the Health and Social Care bill through the House of Commons, before it reaches the House of Lords.
book an appointment to meet your MP at their surgery on 1 or 2 April 2011.
To find out who your MP is go to “ from there you can access your MP’s website and find out how to book an appointment to meet them.
For more information on the TUC ‘All Together for the NHS’ campaign other helpful resources click HERE.

Cllr Fay Howard, Labour Candidate, Parks Ward.