Adverse Weather Information

Be careful as existing snow on the ground and icy roads (especially side roads that haven't been gritted) will make for difficult driving and walking conditions. Swindon Borough Council gritters will be out treating major routes throughout the borough.

This page contains information we have been made aware of and will not be a complete list of services and locations that are open/accessible. Please check with the service or location you wish to acces prior to leaving and see the advisory from Wiltshire Police at the bottom of this page before setting out.

Swindon Shopping

Swindon Arts Centre

Latest information on the Swindon Arts Centre facebook page.

JobCentre Plus

No informaton available.

School Closures

Local Council Services

Travel and Transport

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Other Local News

  • Swindon Advertiser (
  • Total Swindon (
  • Swindon Web (

Police Advice for Motorists

  • Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast and road conditions before you set off on your journey
  • Check that your vehicle is roadworthy
  • Make sure you have full visibility before driving, taking time to de-mist and de-ice all windows
  • Use your lights
  • When the roads are wet and icy, it can take twice as long to stop your vehicle so slow down
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front
  • In poor visibility be extra alert for hazards
  • Carry warm waterproof clothing, a sleeping bag, food, water and a torch in your vehicle, in case weather conditions mean you have to stop
  • Make sure you have plenty of fuel for your journey before you set off
  • Use the highest gear possible to avoid wheel spin. Manoeuvre gently and avoid harsh braking and acceleration. If you start to skid, gently ease off the accelerator and avoid braking. If braking is necessary, pump the brakes, don't slam them on.
  • Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged