A special Full Council Meeting has been called for Thursday 3 July at 7pm at the Civic offices, Euclid Street to discuss the future of Croft playing fields

 For the Croft playing fields, I still think more needs to be done to protect these fields.  Over 1650 people signed the petition calling for the playing fields and car park to be taken out of the lease.

Councillor Nadine Watts (Old Town) said, "I am pleased that the leisure proposal is now for a 25 year lease instead of up to a 99 year lease and that the keep open clause has been increased from 3 years to 10 years for the Croft Leisure Centre.  I believe these are steps in the right direction.  For the Croft playing fields, I still think more needs to be done to protect these fields.  Over 1650 people signed the petition calling for the playing fields and car park to be taken out of the lease.  I think other possibilities need to be explored such a dealing with the fields on a management contract basis,  so GLL (Greenwich Leisure Limited, the preferred bidder) could deal with bookings and keep the grass cut, but not have a say over the land.

I understand that GLL are not interested in building houses, but if ten years down the line things are a little tighter and there is a financial company pushing they may make the decision to sell some of the land.

This is obviously an important issue so I wanted the extraordinary meeting to happen because it deserves to be fully debated so the people are heard.”