Will we ever see Liden Improvements?

We like you, have been asking whether we will ever see the promised improvements to Liden Village Centre.

In February 2012 the Conservative Council announced Swindon Council plans to spend £900,000 over 2 years on six centres (Swindon Advertiser, February 2012). The following year, the Conservative administration reduced the budget to £450,000 (Swindon Advertiser, October 2013). In 2014 we were given assurances that the improvements would be coming soon and yet nothing happened.

Now following a question at a Council Meeting in November from the Cabinet Member has said that the improvements to Liden Centre would be dependent on the Council’s emerging Libraries Strategy.

There's been more than four years of broken promises, and now another delaying tactic. The other village centres have all seen improvements yet Liden remains waiting. It is not good enough.

We’d now like the Conservative Cabinet to do what they promised as far back as 2012, and fund improvements to the Liden Centre.